Career Development & 调用 Student 就业

工作人员 in the COVE Career Center are available to help you navigate the process of finding on-campus employment. 

Your first step is to log into  握手 to begin the process. 

Below are resources you will need to understand the hiring process at Westmont for students.

Student 就业 Resources

As a Westmont student, you have access to 握手, our free online job resource. Here you can view all on/off-campus job listings, announcements related to visiting recruiters, 和更多的.

Please make note of the following items when using 握手: 

  • In order to Search for jobs, you will need to upload your resume- using your own document . Feel free to take advantage of The COVE Career Center's  'Effective 写简历' handout found in under the Resources tab.
  • On-campus jobs are posted several weeks prior to the start of the academic year. Check regularly and apply promptly- this is a competitive market. 
  • Make secondary contact with hiring supervisors after applying via email, phone or in person if possible.
  • You are strongly advised to work no more than 6-8 hours per week to adequately balance academic and work commitments. 
  • Please only accept ONE (1) role on campus to provide opportunities for other students to secure work
  • We are committed to helping you find work at Westmont, but it is ultimately your responsibility to ACTIVELY Search for work.

Federal Work-Study provides employment and community service opportunities for students who demonstrate financial need. Awards are based on the availability of funding and the student’s financial need, as determined using the results of the FAFSA.
Work-study jobs are available in a wide variety of on- and off-campus departments and offices.  Employers will begin to post available jobs online in early August.  

Though these funds are intended to assist with paying educational costs, Work-Study funds are 不 considered in the college payment plan, as they are paid directly to students via a paycheck issued bi monthly through submission of their student time cards.   
As a Work Study awardee, you are encouraged to use 握手 to look for available jobs. You may work at any position on campus with the exception of those associated with the 教堂 or the Campus Pastor's office. Be sure to check often as jobs are posted daily and the on campus job market is competitive and positions are filled quickly. 

 For questions regarding financial aid and work study awards should be directed to the Financial Aid office.  Questions pertaining to student employment and work study should be directed to Toni Ramos ( 

After Searching 握手 and applying for a job on campus, you may receive an offer of employment or Temporary 就业 Agreement (TEA) from an on campus supervisor. This is agreement outlines your rate of pay, job description and other pertinent information.

We ask that when applying for jobs, you consider other students looking for work and accept only one (1) position on campus. 


  • You will receive your TEA through your Westmont email from Student 就业 aka Docu-Sign. Read through it carefully before accepting! Changes can not be made to TEA's after they have been approved. TEA's that are not approved within 14 days are voided and the employment process will need to be re-started.
  • 学生 who have not worked on campus previously, will be directed to complete an I-9 form through the online TEA process. Do not complete the I-9 until you have received an offer of work (TEA)
  • Bringing your ORIGINAL documentation with you when you arrive on campus and begin your job Search will benefit you in the long run. Being able to complete work authorization paperwork soon after your hire with help avoid any delays or the risk of losing a job you may have been selected for. 

    Supervisors will not "hold" positions for employees unable to provide the necessary documentation to complete the employment process. 

    You are responsible for completing Section 1 of the form online. It will then be forwarded to your supervisor to complete Section 2 of the form using the ORIGINAL documents you will provide. 点击 在这里 for a list of acceptable documents.    

    请注意: We can not accept copies, faxes, scans, etc. of these documents under any circumstance.  THIS ONLINE PAPERWORK IS MANDATORY

    ONLY after your TEA has been approved by you and your supervisor, your I-9 paperwork has been completed and reviewed, will you receive an approval email from Student 就业 aka Docu-Sign authorizing you to begin work. 
  • 考勤表上: We have recently moved from our previous student timekeeping system, OATS to a new fully automated system, UKG准备好了. You will need to activate your UKG account in order to access your on-campus job and timesheet. Please follow the step included in the Activation Tutorial.  It is your responsibility as a student employee to keep up with daily time entries each time you work. UKG is an online timeclock and time punches are done in real time down to the minute. For more information on how to navigate UKG准备好了 and timekeeping, please review the tutorial 在这里. For additional questions feel free to email


As a student employee, you will need to setup an online time card in our new system, UKG准备好了. As of July 25th, the college moved to this new automated online system for time keeping. Please disregard any reference to using OATS in any communications from the student employment system. We are strictly using UKG for student time cards. After you have been hired, you will need to activate your UKG account. Please follow the steps in the UKG Activation tutorial

UKG is an online timeclock and time punches are done in real time down to the minute. It is your responsibility as a student employee to keep up with daily time entries each time you work and time cards should be submitted to your supervisor at the end of each pay 期. Time card submissions are due before 9 am on alternate Mondays. See the student pay schedule for more detail. 

For more information on how to navigate UKG准备好了 and timekeeping, please review the tutorial 在这里. For additional questions feel free to email studentemployment@ycdwkj666.comUpon activating your account, you can 

A pay schedule has been made available to you which lists time card due dates. 2022-2023 Pay Schedule  Please make every effort to turn your time card in regularly. Time cards submitted after the deadline will be processed at the following pay 期. 

休息时间 and Meal Periods 
You are entitled to breaks and meal 期s as a student employee- if the hours worked mandate it. Refer to the charts below for further explanation. 


30分钟. meal break REQUIRED NO 是的 是的 是的, during first 6 hrs. and second break 是的, one during each 6 hr. 期


< 5 hours

> 5 hours

+ 6小时

+ 10小时. but less than 12

+ 12小时.

Please make note of the following changes to the current student employee meal and breaks policy. Rather than verifying meals and breaks each day on time sheets, effective December 1st, student employees will instead be assumed to have voluntarily skipped their breaks and meal 期s (if applicable) unless they have submitted a signed Meal and Rest Period penalty authorization with their time sheet.

If needed this form is available 在这里 or also on the Payroll Office webpage, or available in hard copy from the Payroll office.

All student employees are not only permitted but encouraged to take appropriate breaks during the work day.


30分钟. meal break req'd NO 1 2 3 4


< 3.5小时.

3.5 - 6小时.

6 - 10小时.

10 - 14小时.

+ 14小时.

Under no circumstances as prohibited by law and College policy should you skip meal 期s and breaks in order to leave early. It is critical that you comply with state wage and hour regulations.

If you are paid an hourly wage, you are eligible for overtime pay if you work in excess of 8 hours per day and/or 40 consecutive hours during the week. Overtime pay is one and a half times the regular hourly rate and must be approved in advance of working. 

You are 不 eligible for paid holidays during the school year. In order to be eligible for summer holiday pay, a student employee must meet ALL the following criteria:

** Be scheduled to and actually work a minimum of 32 hours per week 
for a minimum of 12 weeks over the 期 of May- August. 
**Be normally scheduled to work on the day which is designated as a holiday and have recorded holiday hours on that time card.