职业资源中心 讲述你的故事


Everyone is drawn to specific things, 在不同领域有天赋, 和 able to connect with various people. Our job is to help you articulate your unique narrative authentically 和 confidently.  Refine 和 shape your story while at Westmont, 和 tell your story as you look towards meaningful work, 研究生院, 和雇主.

Resources to help you 讲述你的故事

即使是在社交媒体时代, the resume is still THE top tool for employers to quickly learn who you are, 你做了什么, 和 to check out your ability to communicate via the written word.

There's an art 和 science to resume writing, 我们可以帮忙 you with both. We have resources to help you craft your most effective resume. 

简历快速指南: The highlights of creating a resume.

Effective 写简历 H和out: Everything you wanted to know about crafting a resume 和 more!

Getting Your Resume Through the "Bots": Don't let your resume get screened out by software. Learn best practices for resume design to increase the odds of having your resume get past the "bots" 和 into the h和s of a decision-maker by reading 8 Secrets for Making a Bot Friendly Resume  和 打败机器人的策略.

Transferable Skills Worksheet: Helps you show an employer how the experiences you had "transfer" to the job they're looking to fill. 

写一个C.V.: Short for the Latin phrase curriculum vitae, which means “course of life" is a detailed document highlighting your professional 和 academic history. You may be asked to submit a CV when applying for jobs in academia or a job outside the US. 

样的简历 & Global-minded简历: Check out these resume templates, approved by CD&C

求职信: This supplemental document helps to sell your qualifications to the reader, introduce yourself to an organization 和 creates the first impression of your ability to communicate. A cover letter never travels alone- it is either with you or your resume. 

Who should get help with their resume? 

所有的学生. 先看看我们的 写简历 video for information on how to draft your resume. 

然后登录到 握手 to schedule a 简历审查 with a Career Counselor or professional staff.


It's THE online platform that employers 和 recruiters use to check out potential interns or employees, 和 build their professional networks.

Now that you've done the work 和 your resume is ready for prime time, you can use that content to create your online LinkedIn profile.

  • LinkedIn is also a great tool for learning about career paths, arranging informational interviews, 和 making connections with alumni 和雇主.
  • 在这里 is a resource for creating your LinkedIn profile!

Who should set up their LinkedIn profile?


登录到 握手 to chat about creating a LinkedIn profile 和 how to utilize its many resources, including networking 和 job/internship Search.

As with most things, it's best to have a plan. Think through the kind of internship or job you're looking for, 和 then set-up "alerts". Setting up these alerts will notify you every time a relevant job or internship is posted. 在这里 are just a few examples:

You can also benefit from reSearching businesses 和 organizations - - even those that aren't necessarily looking to hire right now. For example, review the business directories at local Chamber of Commerce organizations (ie: Santa Barbara South Coast Chamber of Commerce, 戈莱塔商会, Carpinteria Chamber of Commerce等.). And don't forget to have your resume 和 LinkedIn profiles reviewed by a career counselor in our office.

Now that you've got the interview, you need to prepare...我们可以帮忙. 先回顾我们的 面试包. It's about more than advice on clothing, breath mints, or the mock interview. Let us help you nail the interview.

In our digital age, interviewing via video conferencing is becoming more 和 more commonplace. Prepare as you would for any interview 和 pay attention to your environment (ie: lighting, 椅子的选择, the need for practicing ahead of time等.). 

Who should schedule an appointment for interview prep?


登录到 握手 to schedule an 面试准备 appointment with a Career Counselor or professional staff.

93% of hiring managers will review a c和idate's social media profile before making a hiring decision.  66% of hiring managers said they would hold poor spelling 和 grammar against c和idates.

我们明白了. Snapchatagrambook is a part of life, yet everything you say or post leaves a digital footprint of your life, 行为与兴趣.

Who should be concerned about their media presence?


Learn what your social media profile says about you 和 how it's being used in the job market. 

 The Muse: The importance of social media

The Muse: Using Social Media for 找工作

Business 新闻 Daily: Hiring Managers 和 Social Media Screening
