教育成效资源 教学资源


The form 和 content of a syllabus vary widely by discipline, department, course, 和 instructor. 然而, 在所有情况下, the syllabus provides the instructor 和 students with a common reference point that sets the stage for learning throughout the course. While working on your syllabi please use our 韦斯特蒙特课程大纲指南.


鲍勃·哈里森的材料 课程设计与策划 is a good source for planning 和 designing effective courses. 在这份材料中,哈里森指的是 布鲁姆的分类, which is another helpful tool for student-centered faculty.


Whatever you decided to do on your first day, it is important that you cover the following four bases: present the syllabus to the students; introduce the course topic 和/or some material; require at least some students to participate; 和 begin building rapport with your students. Your will find some useful tips for your first class meeting in Getting Started: 你的第一次课堂会议.

Teaching Students with Different Learning Styles

No matter what your classroom environment might be, your students are sure to have a spectrum of learning styles. Many instructors find it helpful to underst和 more about the diversity of their students' learning styles, 和 to vary their teaching in order to provide a variety of opportunities to learn. You may consider asking your students to complete an online 学习风格问卷索引 并与你分享结果. 文档 Underst和ing Your Learning Style: The Soloman-Felder Index of Learning Styles can help you interpret the results 和 select the appropriate teaching methods 和 strategies.


Good classroom management is critical to creating an environment conducive to learning. You may consider developing a plan for managing the classroom that fits your personal style. You may use humor 和 occasional dramatic outbursts to communicate your point. 或者你可以使用非语言提示(如.g. 停止, 在房间里走来走去, moving closely to the person text-messaging or having a side conversation 和 requesting cooperation), other students (develop expectations 和 norms for behavior together), 和 private conversations outside of class to reinforce a point. Or you may address issues of entitlement by clarifying roles, 关注其他学生的损失, or directly confronting classroom etiquette 和 responsibility issues with the whole group. The important thing is not to ignore the instances of rule violation or feel traumatized by the behavior. Dealing with Disruptors 和 Difficult Students will provide you with useful tips for managing your classroom situation when problems occur.


Inclusive teaching means teaching in ways that do not exclude students, 无意或有意, 从学习的机会. Inclusive faculty reflect on how they teach, 还有他们教的东西, in order to engage the wide range of experiences 和 learning styles their students bring to the classroom.

传达明确的期望, 使用包容性语言, 和 articulating your commitment to honoring diverse perspectives can all contribute to a more welcoming learning environment. 另外, a wide range of experiences 和 learning styles, giving students the opportunity to provide feedback at different times throughout the semester, can also be helpful in assessing how well your inclusive strategies are working.

研究 has shown that a significant way to support student learning is for the instructor to convey the expectation that students are capable of learning. 不幸的是, it is not difficult to undermine student confidence with simple comments, 看似毫无根据的批评, or non-verbal behavior that comes across as unwelcoming – whether these things are directed at specific students in the class or at groups of people not even present in the classroom. 以下资料 培养文化能力, 在教学中注入文化意识 课堂上的多样性 may be helpful for mastering your inclusive teaching strategies 和 enhancing student learning 和 success. There are also some discipline-specific strategies which are worth considering, 比如文章中描述的Psychological Insights for Improved Physics Teaching."

High-Impact [Educational] Practices (HIPs)

Findings of LEAP (Liberal Education 和 America's Promise), a decade-long national initiative launched by the Association of American Colleges 和 Universities (AAC&U) have proven that the following high-impact educational practices considerably raise students' level of learning across different demographic groups:

  • 第一年研讨会及经验
  • Common Intellectual Experiences /Core Curriculum
  • 学习ag娱乐官网
  • Writing-Intensive课程
  • 协作作业和项目
  • 本科研究
  • 多样性/全球学习
  • Service Learning /Community-Based Learning
  • 实习
  • 顶点课程和项目

来源: 高影响力教育实践 乔治·G. Kuh, 2009; "Assessment of High-Impact Practices" by Ashley Finley, Peer Review 2011, 13: 2, PP. 29-33


Do not wait for a formal end-of-semester teaching evaluation. It is a good practice to administer an informal evaluation within the first three weeks of the semester 和 then repeat it in three weeks. You may use the following informal evaluation forms for soliciting your students' feedback:


Eight-Question Informal Teaching Evaluation

If your informal evaluations are not as good as you would like them to be you may request a 20-minute student focus group session by contacting Tatiana Nazarenko at 6070 or tnazarenko@ycdwkj666.com