Things You Need To Know General Information

Audit Registration旁听注册是一种非学分注册,适用于希望参加课程讲座或利用音乐合奏或私人课程的学习经验而无需考试的学生, homework, papers, record of practice hours, or evaluation. Required course fees will be charged for all audits. 

教员的签名必须在审核注册的添加/删除表上获得. 这通常不会发生在学期的第一天之前,这样老师就可以确定课堂上是否有空间.



“AU”的分数只会出现在学生的成绩单上,如果讲师表明学生充分参与了旁听. 未完成审核且未在课程最后一天前退课的学生将因非正式退课而获得“WX”等级. 希望从成绩单中删除该课程的学生必须向注册主任提交请求. A $40 late processing fee will be charged to the student’s account.

Closed Classes: Wait list information is available to instructors. Please see the instructor for any wait list questions.

Concurrent Enrollment(在威斯蒙特大学就读期间在其他学校申请学分)可以在以下条件下考虑:学生在威斯蒙特大学至少注册了12个学分, the course to be undertaken is not taught at Westmont, 特定课程对学位项目的价值是明确确立的. 同时入学适用于丰富课程内容或解决严重的课程安排冲突,当学生在剩余的韦斯特蒙特课程中无法安排必修课时. Petitions for concurrent enrollment must be submitted to the Student Records Office prior to enrolling in the concurrent course.

Fees/Refunds:在第一节课或第二周的星期五之后,音乐课费用将不获退还. 科学实验费和其他课程费用只能在学期第一天之前退还. Consult the Westmont College Catalog for the complete refund policy. Questions should be addressed to the Business Office. 

First-year students: 一年级学生只能在秋季学期注册编号为000 - 099的课程. They are not allowed to register for upper division courses, numbers 100 - 199.

Grading options available to students

  1. With the instructor’s approval, the student may register for any of his or her elective courses as Pass/No Credit. 修习的主修和副修课程以及通识教育要求(PEA除外)必须按“字母等级”评分. 在满足主次要求后,在主修或辅修系修读的课程可以选修P/NC.
  2. Pass/No Credit registration is limited to 8 units per year, no more than 4 units in one term plus a PEA class. Under this option, unless stated otherwise in the syllabus, A through D- = P; F = NC. 计划研究生学习的学生在注册及格/无学分前应咨询院系顾问.
  3. 学生必须在公布的截止日期前向学生档案办公室提交“要求将课程成绩更改为及格/无学分(P/NC)”表格,要求进行更改. P/NC may not be selected on Waypoint.

Grading System

  1. The standard practice at Westmont is to give letter grades. At the option of the instructor, courses such as practica, independent study, seminars, and certain other courses may be offered as Pass/No Credit only. Faculty grading practice is announced at the beginning of the semester.
  2. 学生在打印的退课截止日期前退出的课程将不会出现在他/她的记录中. 提款截止日期与打印的提款截止日期之间的提款将被标注为“W”。. 在截止日期后通过批准的申请撤回将被标记为“WP”或“WF”。.
  3. When a Westmont course with an F or D grade is repeated, only the higher of the two grades will be computed in the GPA. The original course and grade of F or D will, however, remain on the student’s permanent academic record. No additional units will be earned if the student previously earned a grade of D. Courses may not be repeated if the grade earned is C- or higher.

Honors Classes: 有满足一项或多项通识教育要求的荣誉课程. 这些课程以课程编号后面的“H”表示,例如ENG-006H-1. Honors courses are open to students with a 3.威斯蒙特大学50分的平均绩点,或者是奥古斯丁大学或总统奖学金的新生. 教务长的学者可以通过联系学生档案办公室申请参加荣誉课程.

Instructor’s Consent: Most courses do not require the instructor’s consent. 然而,如果需要老师的同意,你将无法在课堂上注册自己. 在下列情况下,您必须联系讲师并让他/她发布许可或将您加入课程:

  1. The course is specifically designated with "Instructor's Consent Required."
  2. You want to register for a course with a prerequisite that you have not satisfied.
  3. The section is closed and you want to be added from the waitlist.

Internship/Practicum: 这个过程在正常的路点注册期间开始,注册一个主要的实习项目(EB-190), ART-190, SOC-190, etc.) or an elective internship course (APP-190, or APP-190SS). 当你在Waypoint上注册时,请务必输入你计划赚取的单位数量. 确保当这些单位被添加时,他们不会让你过载,除非你有资格采取19-21个单位. Once you have secured an internship, use the online Applied Learning Agreement Form (ALAF) to finalize your registration. To access the online ALAF, go to On the Student Information page choose, "online ALAF" under Forms on the left-hand menu. Once you submit you part of the ALAF, the site supervisor, faculty instructor, 实习主任和学生档案办公室将被纳入审批程序, The ALAF should be processed by the published deadline. 学生有责任确保注册过程已经完成. A failure to do so may result in late fees and/or affected grades.

Off Campus Programs: 被校外项目录取的学生将不被允许注册校内课程.

Overload: Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or a 3.前两个学期的GPA为00(最低12个单元),或者总统和奥古斯丁学者在第一学期最多可以注册20个单元+ 1个PEA . There is no additional charge for the additional units.

Physical Education: 生活健康(PEA 032)应该由一年级和转学生在入学的第一年完成. Only one PEA course may be taken per semester so please plan accordingly. Subsequent PEA courses in a given activity must be at a higher level.

Research and Tutorials: All Tutorial and Research courses require submission of a completed application. Forms are available in the Student Records Office and on the Registrar's website. After the printed deadline a late fee of $40.00 will be assessed.

Varsity Sports: 当你第一次注册你的校队运动时,你需要注册低级别课程编号. 在你参加了一次考试之后,你需要在以后的每一次考试中注册高级课程编号.