信息 & 资源

WCSA定期与学生就重要的机构决策进行沟通,并认真听取学生的意见, perceptions and desires. WCSA accepts funding proposals for campus wide initiatives and endeavors.

WCSA的愿景是培养学生建立联系和形成信念的环境. 我们希望促进校外项目的有效重新入学,并提供更多进入威斯蒙特网络的机会, preparing students for life after college. 另外, 我们的目标是鼓励就国内和国际事务发表明智的意见. 我们要拥有自己的ag娱乐官网,同时保持我们在圣灵里的合一和在基督里的身份.

For more information on WCSA's governing structure and purposes view the 宪法.

2023年秋季: WCSA meets on Wednesday mornings 7:30 - 9:00AM in the upstairs KSC.

*This network includes Westmont alumni, faculty, 工作人员, and current students.

Executive Council:
纳什加维 总统
Katherine Young Vice 总统
诺亚年来 Business Manager
McKenna Phillips Communications Manager
Analee Josselyn Academic Liaison
贝利大厅 Equity and Diversity Manager
艾莉。邦恩 Page Representative
以赛亚书康威 Clark Representative
大卫Shiang VK Representative
韦德告诉 Armington Representative
Sophie Southard Emerson Representative
珍娜·惠勒 Ocean View/Off Campus Rep
Elijah Cicileo GLC Representative
Owen Vander Ark Athletic Senator

WCSA's Take a Professor to Lunch/Richie's Program

WCSA is proud to sponsor the "Take a Professor to Lunch Program.“为了鼓励学生在课堂外与教师交流,这一悠久的传统得到了学生学费的支持. Students can also opt to take a professor to coffee at Ritchies.


  • Arrange a meeting time with your professor 
  • 完成 在线表单
  • Your professor will receive a verification request
  • 一旦你的教授完成验证请求,你就会收到一封确认电子邮件 
  • 从确认邮件中显示凭证给收银员并扫描你的学生证


  • 学生可以带任何全职的威斯蒙特教职员工或使用此计划的里奇午餐
  • The program covers one faculty/工作人员 lunch or Ritchie's drink
  • 在使用该计划期间,没有参加膳食计划的学生每学期最多可以吃三次午餐
  • The Ritchies program can be only used up to 3 times per semester per student


Funding Proposals

任何威斯蒙特的学生,教师或工作人员都有资格向WCSA提交资金申请. WCSA努力利用其预算,以满足我们的校园和我们的学生团体的需求. 过去的建议包括资助韦斯特蒙特花园购买果树,并与图书馆合作,在期末考试周提供咖啡和小吃. 基金还支持学生发起的电影节和电影放映等活动.


  • 请填写 funding proposal form.

  • Each proposal is examined by WCSA. Then, WCSA will vote on whether to approval the proposal.

  • 您将在两周内收到ag娱乐官网您的资助提案决定的电子邮件通知.


  • Be thorough in filling out the funding proposal form. 请尽可能详细地说明请求的目的和所需资金. Failure to do so may result in a delay.

  • 资助建议需要在申请需要或活动前至少2周提交. 在此时间框架之外的资助提案仍可提交,但不太可能获得批准.

  • 所有活动必须在获得资助之前由校园部门或学生组织批准和赞助.

  • 我们强烈鼓励您在提交申请后的会议上澄清您的资助提案的目的. This is to prevent any delays in funding your request.

  • If your funding proposal is approved, it is imperative that you present WCSA the receipts of your purchases. 未能提供收据可能导致WCSA终止个人或组织申请资金的能力.


  • What is considered time sensitive?
    As an entity with a frequently full agenda, WCSA prioritizes funding proposals and internal bills during meetings. To assure that WCSA can thoroughly assess the funding proposals, 当选的机构认为所有的资助提案应该在任何预定的活动前两周提交.

  • What is an average cost for events with food?
    WCSA acknowledges that each event is unique and different. 然而, 如果活动能够触及更多的学生群体,WCSA更有可能批准与食品相关的资助提案. 因此, if the cost of food limits the number of students who can participate, WCSA将不得不考虑用学生学费资助这次活动的价值.

  • Can I request a funding proposal AFTER an event?
    不幸的是,由于过去的问题,WCSA将不再追溯资助活动. 此外, funding proposals must be presented to WCSA, 事先为活动做广告,以确保我们能够提供资金.

  • Can I request more than I think I’ll need just in case?
    是的! WCSA will reimburse you based on receipts.

  • How does presenting my proposal to WCSA work?
    如果您提交了资助提案,您可能会被邀请参加随后的WCSA会议. At the meeting, 你将被要求澄清参议院和行政部门可能存在的任何问题. 在投票时,您将被善意地要求离开房间以保护投票过程.

  • What if my need is immediate?

  • 我是否可以向演讲嘉宾承诺付款/我是否可以支付活动的费用,并要求WCSA在活动前报销?

Timeline for Funding Proposals

  • 资助建议将在活动/需求日期前至少两周提交到上述链接.

  • WCSA will review it at the next meeting, at which your attendance is required.

  • WCSA will either approve or reject the funding proposal.

  • You will be notified on the decision soon after the meeting WCSA’s decision.

  • Your event will take place.

  • 您将收据提交给学生会业务经理,您将获得报销.

View WCSA 办公时间 in the student portal

工作人员 Advisor:
Dr. Angela D'Amour
Dean of Student Engagement

重要对话(CTM)是由韦斯特蒙特大学学生协会(WCSA)赞助的一项活动,旨在突出对学生群体有重要意义的特定问题, 这个国家, 教会, or all of the above. WCSA旨在为学生创造一个空间,让他们从知情的演讲者那里听到多种观点,并有机会进行富有成效的对话和讨论. Previous CTM events have included:

  • Three Part Lament Series on Racial Injustice
  • Westmont’s Racial Climate
  • The Impeachment Inquiry
  • Midterm Elections
  • The War in Ukraine
  • 阿富汗
  • Climate Change
  • What's Up with White Jesus?

WCSA Inquiry Form

We want to hear from you! 如果您对校园有任何疑虑、问题或意见,请填写问询表! We look forward to hearing from you.

WCSA Inquiry Form